As a rule, the universities do not offer liability insurance.
Check if your existing insurance also covers damages abroad.
In addition, here is an overview of some of the services provided by Hanse-Merkur, which you could compare with the services of your insurance company.
As a rule, your school should send your transcripts to America by mail. This is a common way for universities in America to receive your transcripts through official channels. Depending on the contract you have with us, we can also send the ...
The American grading system is different from that of other countries. In order for your college to be able to classify your previous academic achievements from your home country, your transcripts must be converted to the American grading system. ...
In principle, it is no problem to open a free student account at a bank as a foreign student in the USA. However, there are now good alternatives that allow easy payment transactions without additional fees. Some European banks offer accounts with ...
There are several reasons why we need your login information. Depending on the contract we create the account and pay the test registration or NCAA / NAIA registration for you, then we need your password in any case or create one for you. Coaches and ...
You have the opportunity to tell your story in an essay or a personal statement. The decision the Admissions Office has to make is about more than just your grades and extracurricular activities. They want to know about your interests, your values ...