Create college field hockey application video

Create college field hockey application video

In order to convince American college coaches that you are a good fit for their team, we need meaningful video footage of you. College coaches want to see video footage of outstanding players with outstanding athletic achievements, because nobody likes to buy "the cat in the bag".
In this article you will learn what your application video should look like for maximum success.

Highlight Video

Of course not every video should look the same. After all, one goal of the video is to stand out from the crowd of applicants and thus attract the attention of trainers. Nevertheless, there is a basic structure that has proven to be very useful for a successful College Soccer application.
  1. Personal introduction
  2. Training exercises (skills) - OPTIONAL (see note)
  3. Game scenes
The whole highlight video should ideally be about 10-12 minutes long.

We have made the experience that training exercises in the highlight video often have a negative effect, because it is difficult to display this kind of footage dynamically. Accordingly, we recommend to include such scenes in the video only if the exercises are perfectly executed and appear dynamic. 


In the introduction you have the opportunity to introduce yourself briefly to the trainer. You should definitely mention your name, age, place of residence and your current position. Imagine that the trainer stands in front of you and asks you to describe yourself in max. 60 seconds.

Recommended length: 1 minute

Training Exercises

The training exercises should look technically almost perfect. If necessary, take enough time to repeat the exercises several times. Technically very well executed training exercises can help to attract the attention and interest of a trainer from the very beginning.

Recommended length: 3 minutes

No warm-up or stretching exercises in the video!

Game Scenes

As the name "Highlight Video" suggests, in this part you should cut together as many of your best scenes as possible from all games you have good video footage of. Pay attention to the following points: 
  • In the video you should play predominantly on your home position. For example, if you indicate that you are a defender but are always seen as a striker in the video, it is difficult to convince a coach of your qualities.
  • Only use scenes in which you look good - no bad passes or the like.
  • Do not zoom too much into the picture during the game scenes, so that the trainer has an overview of the playing field.
  • If there is enough video material available, it is a good idea to sort them and divide the video into categories (e.g. "Goals", "Assists", "Passing", "Defense", etc.)
  • It is very important that you can clearly identify who you are in the video. It is best to mark yourself in some way at the beginning of each scene (e.g. with a red arrow, flashing or circling).

Recommended length: 6-8 minutes
If you have booked our professional video editing, you will receive a link to upload the raw material. There you upload all the footage (complete games or single scenes) you have.
Don't forget to review the material beforehand and, in addition to the video footage, upload a list of all scenes you are involved in the games and their times in the video (e.g. in an Excel document).

Complete Games

Often coaches want to watch at least one complete game in addition to the highlight video in order to better assess the level at which you play week after week. Therefore, film as many games as possible and select the games that give the best overall picture of your own performance and the level of both teams. These games will be provided by you or we will make them available to the coaches on request.
We recommend keeping the camera on the game for the entire game - ideally with a radius of 20-30 meters around the ball or, if not otherwise possible, with a constant view of the entire field. It is not very meaningful for a coach if the camera is only at you for the entire match.

Here you can find the video instructions with all informations as a brochure.
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