Was ist ein Letter of recommendation / Empfehlungschreiben?

Was ist ein Letter of recommendation / Empfehlungschreiben?

Viele Unis verlangen mit der Bewerbung mindestens ein Empfehlungsschreiben (en. Letter of Recommendation).

Ein Empfehlungsschreiben ist ein schriftliches Dokument mit einer positiv wertenden Empfehlung zu
deiner Person bzw. deinem Sport auf englisch. Diese Dokument kann dein Lehrer oder dein Trainer für dich verfassen. Es sollte jemand sein, der dich gut einschätzen kann.
Ein Letter of recommendation ist nur offiziell, wenn es auf dem Briefpapier deiner Schule bzw. deines Vereins ausgestellt sowie unterschrieben und abgestempelt ist.


  1. Vorstellung deines Lehrers/Trainers bzw. der 'Schule/Vereins.
  2. Positive Beschreibung deiner schulischen Leistungen.
  3. Positive Bewertung deines Sozialverhaltens.
  4. Schlusssatz – zum Beispiel: „I wish ........ all the best and hope that he/she will reach his/her goals both academically and in his/her sport.
Da wir noch nicht wissen, an wen das Schreiben später geht, sollte es an TO WHOM IT MAY
CONCERN adressiert sein. In der Betreff-Zeile sollte Letter of Recommendation und dein Name stehen.

Beispiel 1

Dear Admissions Committee,

It is with much pleasure that I am writing you on behalf of Jane to support her wish of studying abroad. As a teacher of Biology at Sample High School I have been fortunate to teach her from 2017 to 2020. Based on Jane's grades, attendance and class participation, I would rate her performance in class as exceptional.

Jane's English skills can be described as very good. She does especially well in the spoken language, but also writing skills do not leave too much room for improvement.

For her work in class, Jane needed very little support and kept deadlines and appointments. Overall she can be described as very reliable.

Furthermore, Jane's social skills are excellent. She was well integrated in the course, always friendly and open to help with her eagerness to contribute her knowledge to the class. In group work, Jane was again really reliable, from what I have heard from other students.

However, not only her classmates appreciate Jane's excellent social skills. The staff of Sample High School also know her as a polite, friendly and punctual student, who is able to interact in a smart, respectful and solution-oriented way.

I would highly recommend Jane to any university that offers programs in her field of interest. I am positive, that she will be a hard-working and sociable student and can be a great addition to your university. If you need any additional information, do not hesitate to contact me.

I wish Jane all the best for her future and hope that you will positively consider her application.


Mr. Smith
English Teacher
Debate Coach
High School X

Beispiel 2

Dear Admissions Committee,

My name is Mr. Smith, and I have had the honor of teaching John in AP Literature and Composition at High School X, during which I noticed his impeccable character, discipline, and leadership. John is a self-motivated student who always went above and beyond in my class. It is a pleasure to recommend him.

John has an insatiable desire to learn, and he demonstrated this throughout his year in my class. His questions were insightful and eloquent, and he produced work that was far above that of the average student. John’s writing and research skills are phenomenal. For his final project, he produced a truly remarkable essay analyzing cultural identity in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake. John’s academic strengths are unparalleled, and I know he will be an asset to your institution.

John’s character is also impressive. He acts with generosity and compassion, and he is well respected by his peers and teachers alike. John is a natural leader, and he was such a joy to have in class.

As a learner and a leader, John is beyond exemplary. He has my strongest recommendation. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.


Mr. Smith
English Teacher
High School X

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